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Friday, April 15, 2016

Vote on Tuesday!

The New York primary is Tuesday.  Both parties have pretty interesting, very competitive tickets.  

So - get out and vote.  This is important.  This is a chance to participate in democracy in a meaningful way.  We're out West, visiting relatives, but we sent in our absentee ballots a while ago.  For the first time I can remember, the New York primary will make a big difference.

Important caveat:  In Otsego County, we're used to being able to vote from 6AM until 9PM.  This will not be true this Tuesday:  voting times will be 12 noon until 9PM.  I'm not sure why the change has been made - it's the same in nearly all the non-NYC-metro-area counties this time.  

So go get that "I voted" sticker and wear it proudly.