It's been a fascinating time, this last month and a half. Starting with the (for me, at least) moving and exciting swearing-in (actually, I was sworn in three times; long story), our first Pledge of Allegiance (“...and liberty and justice for all!”), and the seven-ballot Chair voting (which, I think, has turned out extremely well), a lot of the work has turned out to be routine. With the exception of those Chair ballots, and the resolution supporting home rule for gas drilling regulation, the vast majority of the resolutions that have come before the Board have been passed unanimously.
Committee meetings, so far, have been routine, as well; I'm on the Human Services and Health & Education Committees, both of which I requested (thanks, Cathy!). I must compliment every Department director and commissioner for their graceful willingness to outline, for us newbies, the scope and function of their Department's work. I also had the opportunity to attend six hours of workshops designed to orient new employees (and new Board members) to the Department of Social Services. I've had a number of contacts from other Department heads, offering to do the same. Everyone's been friendly and eager to help, which I appreciate immensely.
There are some important issues that will challenge us this year: the post-MOSA world; hydrofracking home rule (however it comes out on the State level); the sex-offender housing law; next year's budget, and whatever surprises await us. I'll do my best to report on these and other county issues as they occur.
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