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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Stop It

Stop it.  Just stop it.  I'm so sick I could cry.  Did cry. 

Make it stop.

I don't care any more about your rights, gun owning members of the NRA, and I don't care about all the excuses you give me for having deadly weapons littering the landscape.  I don't care about your false sense of protection, or your target practice, or your collections, or your gun shows, or even your right to hunt.  I don't care.  None of that is protected in the Constitution.  None of it.  Look it up.  None of it is remotely connected to “a well regulated Militia.”  So stop all of it.

I actually don't care if you have guns or not.  You can have all the comforting armament you want.  I do care that you have, through organizations large and small, and most specifically the NRA, throughout American history, terrorized the political landscape to the extent that the conversation that would have saved all those five-year-olds could never happen.  I'm sorry, but it's your fault.  We can't talk about keeping guns out of the hands of psychotics because that might lead to black helicopters swooping in one night to confiscate those oversized handguns in our night tables that we don't even know how to use.  Geez.  Talk about drinking the kool-aid.

So stop, folks.  Just stop about “freedom”, stop about “rights”, stop about the second amendment (you're not in the National Guard, you know), stop about “a strong America.”  I don't care about that.  I care about Kindergarteners, and apparently we can't have both.  I choose the kids.

Every time this has happened we have mourned and we have shaken our heads and we have gone on and done nothing about it.  And therefore we have guaranteed that it will happen again.  The deaths in Connecticut are directly attributable to all the political activity designed to manage this kind of thing that didn't happen because the NRA made sure it didn't happen. 

So stop.  Stop sending money to the NRA.  Stop making excuses.  Stop keeping silent.  Start acting like we are all responsible for all our kids and nothing – certainly not the right for anyone to have as many guns as they want – is more important. 

Whose kids are next?  


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