I attended the Public Safety Committee meeting this morning, as a
Board member/spectator, and the Sheriff reported that activity
related to firearms registration has nearly doubled since the SAFE
Act went into effect. Most of the increased traffic, as I understand
it, was the result of the change in handgun registration rules:
instead of a single lifelong registration, now all handguns need to
be registered every five years. To the Sheriff’s credit, he is
not, a this time, asking for more resources to address this workload
increase. He will keep the Committee up-to-date on the effects of
the new law on his Department.
Most of the gun owners in the room expressed frustration and
unhappiness regarding the stricter rules, and the term 'unfunded
mandate' was uttered many times. There wasn't a discussion of the
SAFE Act as such, and anyway, I try to retain my 'spectator' role
when I'm attending a Committee meeting I haven't been assigned to,
but I do have a blog, and so I can say what I think about all this
right here.
No doubt, it's an inconvenience to register a handgun every five
years. Registration involves a lot of paperwork, reference checks,
fingerprinting, and a safety course. It's also expensive; there's a
fee involved, as well. Most of the movement toward a safer society
will result in some inconvenience, cost and change.
But this is the cost we must pay. We've been racking up debts for
decades, buying convenience and comfort and low cost with the lives
of over 30,000 Americans each year. That balance of payments has to
stop. When other industrialized countries – nearly all of them –
experience annual gun deaths in the two and three digit range, there
is obviously something to be learned from them. The only sane path
is one that moves us from 30,000 to only dozens or, at the most
hundreds. That path will be expensive and disruptive to gun owners.
The Second Amendment doesn't, and never did, guarantee Americans the
right to own guns without regulation. The NRA, however, has created,
in the last forty or fifty years, an apparently invincible mythology
regarding the sacred right of Americans to have whatever guns they
want, whenever they want, so they can do whatever they want with
them, with no interference from anyone. This shameful mis-education
project has made it almost impossible to address the problem –
30,000 American deaths each year.
Just under 4,000 souls were taken from us on 9-11; three were killed
in the terrorist attack in Boston earlier this week. Every soul is
precious, so numbers don't tell the whole story. But they help us
prioritize. When over 30,000 Americans are killed each year, and one
private organization is keeping America from preventing this carnage
– where, indeed, lies the disrespect for the Constitution and all
that America stands for? And what are we willing to sacrifice to
save these people?
2nd Amendment kills. It is that simple!!.