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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Tale of the Sherrif's Son

Well, it's been quite a day for Otsego County online. First the Strategic Plan is posted (see below), and then a confidential issue that the Board, and specifically the Public Safety and Legal Affairs Committee, has been working on since January, appears online as well.

The article is pretty accurate – although there is always a lot that is not objective enough to publish – and the whole incident is pretty frightening. And there's more to come – most importantly, the disposition of the case and the consequences for the individuals involved. Make what you will of it.

I have to make it clear to my constituents that, during the first (of many) extensive executive session during which the Board first heard of this incident, I insisted a number of times that the Superintendents of the school districts that were threatened be notified immediately. I had great confidence that they would use the information wisely and serve as partners in this issue. It is my memory – I did not take notes – that I was assured, as we were adjourning, that one of the investigations that had been discussed would include notification of the schools. This did not happen.

I believe that this was a mistake. One of Oneonta's elementary schools is in my district, another is down the street. Colleagues who I respect and admire work there, and my neighbors send their children there. This was a very specific threat, and a terrible one. The individual was not put under surveillance or supervision; he still had access to his extensive personal armory. The Superintendents deal with this kind of threat occasionally, and are professionals. They are responsible for the safety of their staff and students. To leave them out of the loop was, I believe, misguided.

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