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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Going Forward

It's been a long time, again, and a lot has been done.

Since August, I have been working with the Democratic candidates for County Rep; other than Andrew Marietta and Andrew Stammel, they were all new to the work of the County Representative. I provided a lot of background regarding Board structure and function, as well as very extensive communications and conversations about particular issues that the Board has been working on. This work intensified during the run-up to the debates, which were held in a variety of places throughout the County.

Four of the new candidates, as well as Andrew and Andrew and I, were elected, and we had what turned out to be a pretty joyful election night celebration. As of January 1 there will be seven Democrats on the Board, although the Republicans represent a slight majority in weighted votes. But the Republicans may not be unified regarding Board leadership as we go forward, and there is a distinct possibility that we Democrats will be participating in what can only be called a coalition government when the gavel comes down on January 3.

I try to avoid partisan politics in these messages, but at this point I think it's important to lay out how things stand. There are some Republicans who have expressed dissatisfaction with current leadership. However, they cannot prevail without Democratic votes. So we will all be talking about how we can go forward, supporting each others' vision for the County and the major issues we are facing.

I think we will be able to work out a plan which will satisfy everyone. There's a lot of work to do, and I think that with a commitment to transparency, communication and bipartisan cooperation, we'll get that work done. Stay tuned.

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