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Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Question About the Manor

Can I ask a question about the Manor?

I have to admit, I'm a little bewildered by the strong feelings regarding keeping the Manor in County hands.  I understand that Countryside in Delaware County is a cautionary tale, but that's really apples and oranges.  And I understand that private companies have been making unpopular decisions regarding their nursing homes for financial reasons.

So here's my question:  Under the massive annual financial pressures created by the costs of the Manor, what will keep the County, in the future, from making unpopular decisions as well?

We've spent nearly two months now trying to trim over $5 million from next year's budget.  We've tried really hard not to kick too many cans down the road, but some cans had to be kicked.  Ancillary supports to servcies have fallen by the dozens, many never to return.  Next year, when the job starts again, where do we cut?  And the year after?  As long as the Manor is costing Otsego County $4+ million a year over revenues, and assuming that the taxpayers of Otsego County are not willing to endure the 30+ % tax increase required to pay for it outright, the level of care at the Manor will have to be on the table.  As long as very existence of the Sheriff's patrol and senior meals is on the table, as long as the quality of road maintenance and the caseload of Social Service caseworkers are on the table, the quality of care at the Manor will have to be on the table, as well.  And until the management and confidential staff throughout the county get a raise (it's been five years, and counting), everything's on the table.

I think the opponents of privatization have created a false dichotomy:  it's not a case of greedy private operators vs. a rosy, unaltered future with the County.  Both will be struggling with finances, and with paying for an expensive, complex institution in an unpredictable funding environment.  Each entity may respond differently, but neither can guarantee anything.


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