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Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Well, that was exciting!

Thanks to all who voted - you probably know how I feel about voting by now; it's patriotic, and essential to democracy.  Also essential are folks who are willing to take on the democratic process even when they're outnumbered.  Barbara Jass worked hard, learned a lot and provided friendliness and good cheer in a hard campaign.  Thanks, Barbara! 

I'm looking forward to January and the start of a new adventure.  The Democrats won't have the majority, but there will be seven of us, and seven Republicans, and the committee assignments should be interesting.  I know that I am not the only one who will be looking carefully for ways to have an impact on propositions and policy.  Right now, I am most interested in finding ways for the Board to establish a clear set of priorities for Otsego County; this will assist us in all major decisions, and will allow us to make decisions which are truly in the County's best interest.

Right now the plan is to continue this blog as a major channel of communication between me and the citizens of District 11 (and anyone else who's interested).  Feel free to use the Comments section available at the end of each post, or write me directly at

And thanks again.  Let's make some progress!

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