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Saturday, October 3, 2015

More Dead. More Words.

It seems that words haven't stopped the killing:

It hardly seems worth the energy to once again make the same essential point that the President has now made again: we know how to fix this. Gun control ends gun violence as surely an antibiotics end bacterial infections, as surely as vaccines end childhood measles—not perfectly and in every case, but overwhelmingly and everywhere that it’s been taken seriously and tried at length. These lives can be saved. Kids continue to die en masse because one political party won’t allow that to change, and the party won’t allow it to change because of the irrational and often paranoid fixations that make the massacre of students and children an acceptable cost of fetishizing guns.

The 2nd Amendment was never meant to guarantee individuals the right to own guns. At its worst, it was meant to assure the slaveholding South that they could maintain their State militias, seen as essential in preventing slave revolts, in ways that the new American standing army might not, and at best as an assurance that militias all over the country would be “well-regulated.”

It wasn't until 2008, in the Heller case, that one vote on the Supreme Court created a majority in favor of the individual's right to own guns. And even that decision acknowledged the need for regulation of that right.

Read your history, NRA members, and then come back and tell us that these massacres are necessary to uphold some spurious right that the Founders never intended.

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