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Saturday, October 31, 2015


I've always thought of this blog as your first step in having an impact on County functioning. Knowledge is power, and if I can bring you some information that you think is important enough to act on – perhaps even through the blog to me – then that is a great thing. Here's another way to have a similar kind of impact.

There's a set of countywide public workshops coming up, whose purpose is to solicit public input into our strategic planning process. That sounds a little bureaucratic, but really, we're trying to look a little into the future, and see what's needed and what will be needed, and how we can steer the ship the right way, in order to get there.

If you're familiar with this process, you may be a little cynical about it, drawing on some experience you might have had when a strategic plan was drawn up with much fanfare and then put up on a high shelf and forgotten. I personally think that we need a comprehensive plan, a bigger look at a longer future (perhaps more on this distinction in a future post) but I do know this much: it certainly won't work if the people of Otsego County don't come out and participate. So come check it out.

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