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Wednesday, October 7, 2015


You will probably see an article in tomorrow's “Daily Star” about a county-wide “hiring freeze.” In fact, if you routinely get the “Breaking News!” e-mails from the “Star,” you've already seen it.

The truth is, there has been a “hiring freeze” in place since 2008. It's easy to get around, and we've gotten around it now for seven years. The current “freeze,” emerging from Donny Lindberg's Budget Committee, essentially adds the Administration Committee, and the full Board in some cases, to the current process for filling vacancies. Currently, the parent committees need to approve filling any vacant position, and some of them need to go to the full Board. From now on, this process will require the approval of the Administration Committee and the full Board as well (Corrections is excluded, as we are required by law to maintain a certain staffing level in the jail).

So Otsego County has not stopped filling vacancies; it's just made the process of filling vacancies harder and longer, and given more people a chance to scrutinize each request. And there's no sunset clause, so this will no doubt be the process for some time.

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