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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Starting a Conversation

You can't tell much about a candidate just from their party label. Party platforms and talking points don't help much when the issues are close to home and unique to your neighborhood or town or county. How is a Democrat to respond to the MOSA issue, or a Republican to the County Manager controversy? We're all just citizens, working through problems and opportunities the best we can. So it's probably important that voters have a clear idea of where everyone stands.

This blog is going to be my attempt to do that – to help you get to know me, and know how I feel about things. I suspect that this kind of thing works best as a conversation – the free exchange of ideas which is essential to democracy. So please feel free to leave a comment, and/or to send an e-mail ( If you know more than I do about anything I write about, I'd especially like to hear from you. If you have an opinion, I'd especially like to hear it. This thing is not about who gets elected – it's about all of us, participating in our democracy.

I'll update this blog as often as I can; I hope to work through most of the issues facing Otsego County by election day. And I hope I'll learn from we, the people.

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